Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The best yoghurt of my life

So when i was referred to 'Forty Carrots' on the 7th floor in Bloomingdales i was a little skeptical. Sure my friend who highly recommended is a serious foodie and has an amazingly educated palate, but 'best yoghurt ever'??? Its a pretty big call....i thus embarked on my quest for yoghurt.
my coffee and original flavour yoghurt twisted to utter perfection. With strawberries on the side

My mum and sister had no clue why i was so adamant on trying this frozen yoghurt but after one bite my entire world as i knew it had completely and utterly changed - she was right - it IS the BEST YOGHURT IN THE WORLD.

my crazy eyes as i am on cloud nine eating this delicious confection

and after eating frozen yoghurt in Jakarta almost everyday, all of them were a waste of stomach space compared to my frozen creamy delight in front of me.

I can't recommend just one flavour or topping - TRY THEM ALL, in every concievable and imaginable combination! its divine!

Only problem about Forty Carrots as an instution - if you decide to sit down and be served instead of taking the take-away aisle, you are required to spend at least $12 i believe. And trust me, yoghurt does not total that much unless you're willing to order the large size...

Large size = bigger than your face serving sizes...delicious but crazy

But its ok, their yoghurt more than makes up for it! Oh how i miss Forty Carrots! Damn Perth and their complete inexistence of frozen yoghurt


  1. i thought my world changed when i had pinkberry...

    if it's really as good as you say, then i'm going into the city next week!!



  2. seriously i think it is sooo unbelivably good! can't say i've tried pinkberry (i know...why haven't i?) but as of yet, forty carrots has my heart!
